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21st Gorodissky Annual Seminar “IP protection strategies for successful development of the company”

11 September - 12 September 2023

230911_toll.jpgThe 21st Annual Seminar "Intellectual Property Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development" was concluded in Moscow. More than 150 IP specialists from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan participated in the seminar.

Presentations were prepared by more than 20 specialists of Gorodissky & Partners from Moscow, Dubna, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok, as well as invited speakers:

  • Aurelia Cheban, Deputy Head of Examination Department - Head of Chemistry and Medicine Department, Eurasian Patent Office;
  • Durgesh Mukharya and Ramya R Rao, Partners, Patent Attorneys of India, K&S Partners (India).

The seminar was opened by Mr. Valery Medvedev, Managing Partner of Gorodissky & Partners.

On the first day of the seminar the specialists of Gorodissky & Partners told about the peculiarities of patent and trademark registration not only in Russia and Eurasia, but also in China. Special attention was paid to the rapidly developing Indian market as a possible partner for joint development of successful business.

The key event of the first day was the round table "Eurasian or National Patent Office - how to make the right choice", where the differences in the approaches of Rospatent and the Eurasian Patent Office in conducting examination were discussed, using the examples of protection of polymorphic forms of biologically active substances, as well as protection of computer-implemented inventions.

The second day of the seminar was devoted to legal aspects in the field of intellectual property protection, issues of trademark protection in case of parallel import, current problems and prospects of franchising development in Russia, recommendations on anti-counterfeiting.

The seminar ended with a lively discussion at a roundtable dedicated to the peculiarities of legal due diligence of successful startups.
