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Yaroslava Gorbunova

Yaroslava Gorbunova
Trademark Attorney
Senior Lawyer
St. Petersburg
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  • St. Petersburg State University of Economics (2003-2008)
  • WIPO Academy (2009)
  • WIPO Summer School on Intellectual Property (2009)
  • Nordic Council of Ministers Project "Cooperation between Nordic countries and Russia in IP field" (Denmark, Sweden) (2013)


  • LES International


  • Gorodissky & Partners since 2008


  • Russian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • IPR transactions support
  • Claim settlement
  • Legal representation and dispute resolution
  • Advising on exclusive rights protection


  • LES International
  • “United by franchising: how to draw up an agreement” (Retailer.ru, December 2024)
  • “The Fate of Brands after the Death of Private Owners” (Legal information Agency, April 2024)
  • “Should a patent always be preserved?” (“Patent Attorney” Magazine, № 5, 2020)
  • “How legal technology has evolved” (RBC Pro, June 2019)
  • “Divorce with the rights holder” (“Patent attorney”, #4, 2016)
  • “Trademarks — a way to protect the animated character” (" Development of financing and legislation in creative industries of a Northern Dimension”, 2013)
  • “On identification of it services” (Gorodissky and Partners Information Bulletin, № 3 (86) 2012)
  • “Identification of IT services in trademark registration” (“IP: theory and practice”, 2012)


  • “Changes in the field of intellectual property in 2024” (XVI Annual Legal Forum “Results 2024: Laws and Business”, St. Petersburg, January 2025)
  • “Protection of Trademark and Design Rights in the Virtual World” (LES Russia Jubilee Conference “IIntellectual Property and Business: Results of the Past Year, Practice, Trends”, Moscow, December 2024)
  • “Top 3 trends in IP litigation, much talked about in 2024: what experience can business learn from them” (Business Breakfast “Intellectual Property: Current Business Problems and Solutions”, St. Petersburg, November 2024)
  • “Digital doubles of real world objects in virtual space: problems, risks and practice” (22nd annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, October 2024)
  • “Improvements and enhancements. A lawyer's view” (St. Petersburg collegiate readings - 2024 “Intellectual Property: Theory and Practice”, St. Petersburg, June 2024)
  • “Problems and risks related to identification, fixation and distribution of rights between IT specialists, investors and employers. Judicial practice” (Seminar “Legal Protection of IT Solutions”, St. Petersburg, April, June 2024)
  • “Changes in the field of intellectual property in 2023” (Annual Legal Forum “Results 2023: Laws and Business”, St. Petersburg, January 2024)
  • “Franchise: practice of dispute resolution between rights holders and franchisees” (Business Breakfast “Delovoye Pravo-2023” by Delovoy Peterburg publishing house, St. Petersburg, November 2023)
  • “Legal protection of Artificial intelligence and results of its activities: foreign and Russian practice” (Annual Information Security and IT Forum - GIS DAYS 2023, St.Petersburg, October 2023)
  • “The dilemma of similarity between real and virtual goods and services in the classification of a trademark” (Conference “St. Petersburg collegiate readings - 2023. Intellectual Property: Theory and Practice”, St.Petersburg, June 2023)
  • “Main differences of copyright legislation in Italy and Russia, global trends in this field, including protection of street-art works and objects created by artificial intelligence” (Conference “Art Law. Legal Regulation and Protection of Intellectual Rights in State and Private Museums and Galleries”, St.Petersburg, June 2023)
  • “Brand Protection for Virtual Goods and Services” (Legal Conference DP-2023, St. Petersburg, April 2023)
  • “Verbal designations on the media covers as a means of individualization” (Annual Conference “Petersburg College Readings - 2022”, St. Petersburg, June 2022)
  • “Software Development Pitfalls: legal aspect” “Mediation as a unique opportunity of patent reinstatement at the stage of the Intellectual Property Rights Court” (Annual Conference “Petersburg College Readings - 2021”, St. Petersburg, June 2021)
  • “Protection of rights to trademarks and design in fashion industry, disposal of IP rights” (XI Legal Discussion “Intellectual Law 2021”, St. Petersburg, June 2021)
  • «How to register geographical indication» (Business breakfast «IT / IP – 2020», St. Petersburg, September 2020)
  • “Determination of the IP unlawful use circumstances by a private detective” (XXXII International Conference of Russian Detectives Association, St. Petersburg, November 2019)
  • “Disposal of intellectual property rights spoiled by an unexpected bankruptcy of a right holder” (Annual Conference “St. Petersburg Collegial Readings – 2019. Intellectual Property: theory and practice”, St. Petersburg, June 2019)
  • “Disposal of intellectual property rights” (II Practical Legal Conference “IT/IP-2019”, St. Petersburg, June 2019)
  • “IP rights disposal. Alienations, licenses, securities” (Practical Legal Conference “Intellectual Property Rights”, St. Petersburg, June 2018
  • “IP Transactions” (Forum “Russian goods - a single brand of quality. Made in Kaliningrad. Made in Russia”, Moscow, April 2018
  • “Counterfeit and parallel import. Interaction with customs and other authorities”, “Transactions in the field of intellectual property: legal and practical issues” (Seminar “IP protection in Russia and abroad. New perspectives”, Kaliningrad, March 2018
  • “Recent examples of IPR infringement, judicial practice” (Seminar “IP Practical issues”, 2016)
  • “Difficulties in proving the homogeneous goods and services in courts” (IP days in the Northwestern Federal District, 2016)
  • “Civil turnover of IP subject matters” (Institute of International Business and Law, 2015)
  • “General terms of Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” (Institute of International Business and Law, 2015)
  • “Brand licensing: legal support, world practice and trends, relevance” (Vedomosti Conference " Promotion of goods and services through brands licensing”, St. Petersburg, 2014)
  • “Website as an IP subject matter” (Seminar “Intellectual property. Legal support”, St. Petersburg, 2014)
  • “Contract — a way of IP subject matters’ commercialization. Types of contracts on IP rights disposal” (Seminar “IP subject matters related contracts”, St. Petersburg, 2013)
  • “Invalidity of transactions on IPR disposal. Violations of contract obligations and further consequences. Legal practice” (Seminar “IP subject matters related contracts”, St. Petersburg, 2013)
  • “Trademarks — a way to protect the animated character” (Seminar “Problems of IP protection creative industries”, Institute of financing and legislation development in creative industries of a Northern Dimension, 2013)
  • “Identification of IT services in trademark registration” (Annual Collegial Readings “Intellectual Property: theory and practice”, St. Petersburg, 2012)
  • Supported the transaction of a complex of exclusive rights disposal, which included international and national trademarks, and industrial designs. Prosecuted this transaction in WIPO and in the Russian PTO. Supervised the prosecution in the CIS countries and in EU countries by local attorneys.
  • Represented a large German company in a case of unlawful use of the client`s trademark in the domain name.
  • Advising a foreign company on the minimization of risks when concluding a co-existence agreement on trademark use.
  • Registration of Russian and international trademarks deposit in the Russian PTO and WIPO.
  • Represented a museum in a trademark infringement case used on souvenirs.
  • Claim settlement of lack of authorship identification of a well-known St. Petersburg artist when exhibiting his co-authorship works.
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