Nikita Maltsev
Legal Department
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| Reference
- “Comparing privacy laws: GDPR v. Russian Law on Personal Data” (OneTrust DataGuidanceTM, August 2024)
- “Russia takes step towards international electronic document flow” (ILO Tech, Data, Telecoms & Media, November 2023)
- “Russia launches open-source experiment” (ILO Newsletter, November 2022)
- “Software is not to be pirated in Russia” (Lexology, March 2022)
- “Software and databases in Russia” (ILO, December 2021)
- “Russia adopts new rules on supervision of data controllers” (Lexology, November 2021)
- Strategies for pharma patent litigation (IAM Life Sciences 2021, June 2021)
- “Russia amends data protection law to increase personal data subjects’ rights” (IAPP Privacy Advisor, May 2021)
- “Home sweet home – new remote working law adopted” (International Law Office (ILO), February 2021)
- “Descriptive or associative? The court will decide” (“Invest Foresight” online business magazine, January 2021)
- “The right to remuneration of the composer: in search of a place in the system of intellectual property rights” (“Patents and Licenses”, № 11, 2019)
- “The legal regime of internet sites as objects of intellectual property rights” (“Patents and Licenses”, № 9, 2019)
- “The Right to Remuneration for Employee’s Work” (“Patents and Licenses”, № 4, 2019)
- “On the minimal rates of award between authors and users” (“Copyright and Related Rights”, № 8, 2016)
- “Fair amount of award: finding the balance of interests of authors and users” (“Copyright and Related Rights”, № 7, 2016)
- “IT Business 2024. Intellectual Property Checklist for Startups” (Webinar “IT Business 2024. Intellectual Property Checklist for Startups”, Moscow, July 2024)
- “Object Design: Copyright Protection and Promotion Strategies” (Business breakfast “Object Design: Copyright Protection and Promotion Strategies”, Moscow, May 2024)
- “Proprietary intellectual property - how to preserve a valuable asset for the employer? Problems of copyright fees” (Exhibition ART MOSCOW 2024, Moscow, April 2024)
- “Organically Integrated Information vs. Advertising” (Seminar “Legal and Practical Aspects of Advertising”, Moscow, April 2024)
- “Problems of Copyright Application in Museums” (State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSIZO Strategic session “Unified Model of Museum Promotion. Education and Innovation”, Moscow, March 2024)
- “Organic Integration in Advertising” (Webinar “Advertising - Regulation, Practice, Trends”, Moscow, February 2024)
- “Inspections of Roskomnadzor in 2024” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs Professional seminar “Protection of Organizations' Rights in the Course of Inspections by Controlling and Supervisory Bodies”, Moscow, December 2023)
- “Copyright and Digital Technologies - in Search of a Compromise between Legal Risks and New Opportunities” (IX Annual Conference “Actual directions of museums' activity”, Moscow, October 2023)
- “Legal defence of a technology startup” (Seminar for managers of small and medium-sized companies in the special economic zone "Dubna" “Legal defence of a technology startup”, Dubna, September 2023)
- “Parallel import in the Russian Federation: analysis of judicial practice and work with the List of the Ministry of Industry and Trade”, “Peculiarities of legal audit of successful startups” (21th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, September 2023)
- “Litigation in IT sphere under digitalization” (Master Class “Legal Aspects of Digital Transformation”, Moscow, June 2023)
- “Protection of museums' intellectual property rights in the Internet” (Conference “Art Law. Legal Regulation and Protection of Intellectual Rights in State and Private Museums and Galleries”, St.Petersburg, June 2023)
- “The rights of authors and other copyright holders to remuneration in the context of the IP Court request to the Constitutional Court in case No. A07-30376/2018” (Round table “The rights of authors and other copyright holders to remuneration in the context of the IP Court request to the Constitutional Court in case No. A07-30376/2018”, Moscow, March 2023)
- “Checks of Roskomnadzor on personal data. GDPR requirements in Russia” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs Professional Training Program “Personal data: new legal requirements practice, liability for violations”, Moscow, January 2023)
- “Legal protection basics and RIA protection” (Educational program for Joint Stock Company “All-Russian Scientific-Research and Design Technological Institute of Rolling Stock”, Moscow, December 2022)
- “Personal data: practice of meeting new legal requirements in 2022, responsibility for violations” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs seminar “Personal data: practice of meeting new legal requirements in 2022, responsibility for violations”, Moscow, November 2022)
- “Personal data law reform - 2022 key changes” (CCI France Russie seminar “Ad labeling and amendments to personal data legislation”, Moscow, October 2022)
- “Personal data: practice of meeting new legal requirements in 2022, responsibility for violations” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs seminar “Personal data: practice of meeting new legal requirements in 2022, responsibility for violations”, Moscow, October 2022)
- “Corporate IPR protection during inspections of regulatory and supervisory authorities”, “Digital law: new regulations, practical issues” (Seminars of Russian foundation for educational programs “Economics and management”, Moscow, May 2022)
- “IP rights on the marketplace: checklist for the seller” (Webinar of Gorodissky & Partners and OZON marketplace “IP rights on the marketplace: checklist for the seller”, Moscow, April 2022)
- “Personal data protection: basic legal requirements and implementation practice” (XI (XХVI) Annual Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical issues of IP rights protection”, Moscow, November 2021)
- “Personal data: new legal requirements of 2020-2021, liability for violations” (Educational program “Personal data: new legal requirements of 2020-2021, liability for violations”, Moscow, October 2021)
- “Domain disputes: exclusive rights vs. personal data. Seeking out a balance of interests” (14-th International conference for ccTLD registries and registrars of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe “TLDCON 2021”, Moscow, September 2021)
- “Review on legal regulation in the field of personal data” (Online seminar by the Center for Innovative Development “Business Education RU” “Personal data: legal requirements, practical issues, claims of the Russian Data Protection Authority (Roscomnadzor)”, Moscow, July 2021)
- “The Basics of IP Protection” (LES International webinar “TEEN’s IP DAY”, Moscow, May 2021)
- “Personal data: the practice of meeting new legal requirements in 2020-2021, liability for violations” (Russian Foundation of Educational Programs “Economics and Management” Training Seminar, Moscow, April 2021)
- “Development and practice of application of anti-piracy legislation in the Russian Federation” (IP Central Asian Forum 2021, April 2021)
- “Personal Data: Legislation Requirements, Practical Issues, Claims of Roskomnadzor” (Training webinar “Personal Data: Legislation Requirements, Practical Issues, Claims of Roskomnadzor”, Moscow, March 2021)
- “The First Steps for Your Own Patent Service” (18th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, October 2020)
- “Legal Protection of IP Abroad” (Round table “Developing the Perm Region export potential”, Perm, December 2019)
- “IP Rights Export - Key Terms and Types of Contracts” (Seminar “Intellectual property and Russian export”, Perm, November 2019)
- “Intellectual Property for a Smart Business and Successful Start” (Seminar “Intellectual property for a smart business and successful start”, Perm, October 2019)
- “Protection of Interests of Users when Distributing Digital Content and Provision of Digital Services” (X Congress of scientists-lawyers “Modern Economics in Legal Dimension”, Perm, October 2019)
- “Principals of Intellectual Property for Business” (Webinar “Principals of Intellectual Property for Business”, Perm, August 2019)
- “Artificial Intelligence. When tool turns into creator” (VIII International scientific-practical conference “Law at digital age”, Perm, November 2018)
- “Artificial Intelligence. When tool turns into creator” (IX Congress of scientists-lawyers “Legal regulation of society digitalization of society. Priority tasks”, Perm, October 2018)
- “Private law and civil process in the digital age: are classical institutions sufficient?” (IX Congress of scientists-lawyers “Legal regulation of society digitalization of society. Priority tasks”, Perm, October 2018)
- “Issues of Rroyalties in regard of public performance of musical works and phonograms” (Мaster class “Issues of Rroyalties in regard of public performance of musical works and phonograms”, Perm, October 2018)
- “Basics of IP protection in Russia and abroad. Outlines of patent, trademark and copyright laws” (Master сlass for participants of the West Ural competition-accelerator of innovation projects “Big Intelligence”, Perm, September 2018)
- “IP transactions: theory and practice”, &ldquoFeatures of official IP objects” (Practical seminar “IP management issues. Legal practice overview”, Perm, April 2018)
- “Intellectual property for a smart and successful start” ("UMNIK" and "START" programs, implemented by the Foundation for support to small innovative companies in the scientific and technical spheres, Perm, April 2018)
- “Principles of Intellectual Property in the Russian Federation” (Seminar for enterprises participating in the fiber optics technologies Cluster "Photonika", Perm, April 2018)
- “IP service objects in business. Payment of awards to authors. Legislation changes. The court practice review” (Meeting of the Association of Employers, Gorodissky IP School, Krasnokamsk (Perm region), November 2017)
- “Basic provisions of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization”, “Features of official IP objects”, “Trademark as an effective business development tool. How not to violate third parties rights and protect your own”, “Actual issues of copyright and related rights for small and medium-sized business. Legal practice overview” (Practical seminar “IP management strategy for successful business development”, Lysva, November 2017)
- “Intellectual Property and Successful Business Development” (Master-class for multimedia business project “Business mentor”, Gorodissky IP School, Perm, October 2017)
- “Intellectual property for an intelligent and successful start” (Seminar “Actual issues of patent and copyright”, Gorodissky IP School, Perm, October 2017)
- “Topical issues of copyright and trademark rights for small and medium businesses. Responsibility for IPR violation. Legal practice overview” (Conference “Legal regulation of business”, Gorodissky IP School, Perm, October 2017)
- “Actual issues of intellectual property for small and medium-sized businesses” (Master-class “Actual issues of intellectual rights for small and medium-sized businesses”, Gorodissky IP School, Gubakha (Perm Region), September 2017)
- “Legal regulation of selection invention in Russia. Legislative novells” (Practical seminar “Legal regulation of selection invention in Russia”, Perm, June 2017)
- “Issues of copyright royalties payment for public performance of musical works and phonograms”, “Official works”, “Trademark as an instrument for effective business development” (Practical seminar “Issues of IP use in the sphere of services. Case law: types of responsibility”, Perm, December 2016)
- “Issues of copyright and trademark rights protection” (Seminar “Issues of IP use in business”, Gubakha (Perm Region), November 2016)
- “Intellectual Property in Russia. Topical issues of copyright and patent law, trademark registration and IPR protection” (series of lectures and seminars on intellectual property law for bachelors and masters, Higher School of Economics, Perm, March-May 2016)
- “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property”, “Service Results of Intellectual Activity” (Seminar for organizations participating in innovative clusters of Perm Krai, April 2016)
- “Review of the regional court practice on trademark rights. Effective litigation strategies” (“IP days in Perm Territory”, April 2016)
- “Intellectual property in the modern world” (Seminar for students of the Secondary School No. 135 in the frames of the School Patent Bureau project, February 2016)
- “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property” (Seminars for small innovative companies participating in "UMNIK" and "START" programs, April, September, November 2015)
- “Intellectual assets in business of the XXI century” (Seminars for representatives of small and medium business of the Perm Krai, March-April 2015)
- “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection in Russian Federation” (Seminar “Fundamentals of Protection of Intellectual Property in Russian Federation, Changes in the Protection of Means of Individualization of Goods, Works and Services, Disposal of Law (License, Franchising)”, Perm, November 2014)
- Handled pre-court claim and litigation work on a domain dispute for a foreign right holder, the owner of rights in relation to one of the most popular mobile video editors in the world.
- Conducting pre-court claim and litigation work on a domain dispute for a foreign right holder, a flooring manufacturer.
- Drafting a legal memorandum on the use of open source software in creating in-house IT solutions for one of the largest retail companies in Russia.
- Supporting the procedure of rights transfer, registration in Rospatent and inclusion in the Register of software products of a Russian company developing solutions in the field of goods labeling.
- Drafting a legal memorandum and subsequent counseling of one of the largest oil and gas chemical companies in Russia on the possibility of applying the trademark of an environmental raw material producer to products made from this raw material by third parties and on the risks of such actions for all parties involved.
- Due diligence of one of Russia's largest scooter rental services (kicksharing) prior to an M&A transaction.
- Comprehensive work on the analysis of a license agreement, preparation of a series of agreements on transfer of exclusive rights to industrial property objects, including know-how, rights to obtain patents, analysis of local regulations governing confidentiality issues for one of the largest oil and gas refining companies in Russia.
- Legal audit of internal document flow in the field of proprietary intellectual property and preparation of local regulations on proprietary intellectual property for a Russian IT company, a developer of an international passenger transportation service.
- Preparation of an appeal to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to exclude a trademark from the list for parallel imports by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.