Anton Melnikov
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Litigation/dispute resolution:
| Reference
- “Patent Enforcement and Unfair Competition in Russia” (The Global IP Matrix magazine, issue 18, January 2024)
- Patent Litigation 2022 - Russia (A Chambers Global Practice Guide Publication, February 2022)
- “Russia: “Accidental” Online Databases” (Media Law International ® e-Zine, Issue 36, July -August 2021)
- “The matter of ‘Prior Use’” (The Global IP Matrix magazine, issue 4, May 2019)
- “The status of a well-known company and having a well-known brand is not enough to accepted by courts” (“Commersantъ” - Money №39, September 2017)
- Trademark Litigation 2017 (Chapter Russia) (World Trademark Review, December 2016)
- “Criminal Prosecution against IPR Infringement” (“IP Management in Russia” of Gorodissky & Partners for JETRO, 3rd edition, March 2016)
- “The Recovery of Trademarks – a Russian Case Study & Success Story” (Gorodissky and Partners Information Bulletin, № 4 (108) 2015)
- “Is an interim relief a means to suspend enforcement of a judgement?” (IP Court magazine, #10, 2015)
- “Antimonopoly legislation: protection of exclusive rights in the Russian Federation” (International Conference “Transformation of the Eurasian Patent System. Assessment and Prospects”, Minsk, June 2024)
- “Allocation of shares in exclusive rights - reform and consequences” (Meeting of the Intellectual Property Committee of CCI France Russie, Moscow, March 2024)
- “Allocation of shares in exclusive rights - reform and consequences” (IPPeople Conference, Moscow, March 2024)
- “Russia is Your Business Partner” (15th Global IP Convention, Delhi, January 2024)
- “IP legislation changes in Russia” (20th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, June 2022)
- “Use of others’ trademarks for information purposes” (19th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, November 2021)
- “Using third party’s trademark for informational purposes” (Moscow Licensing Summit”, Moscow, September 2021)
- “Trademarks - what do we buy when we register them?”, “Review of the most important legal cases for the suppression of counterfeit”, “Intellectual Property Protection in China” (Seminar “Development of national intellectual fund. Features of patenting in Russia and abroad”, Nizhny Novgorod, September 2019)
- “Parallel import: practice after the Constitutional Court Ruling” (Business Breakfast “Parallel import: practice after the Constitutional Court Ruling”, Moscow, April 2019)
- “Risks and pitfalls in deals on the exclusive rights disposal” (Seminar “Protection and capitalization of IP. Certification and localization of export products”, Moscow, December 2017
- “Franchising legislation: Russian and International practices” (III Forum on Small Business of the SCO and BRICS Regions, Ufa (Bashkortostan), September 2017)
- “Trademark use/non-use: Franchise agreement policies” (WTC Conference “Topical issues of IP commercialization and enforcement in modern life”, Moscow, April 2017)
- “Online brand protection strategies & its impact on cross border market trade” (Brand Protection Excellence Forum, Munich, March 2017)
- “Trademarks in advertising and unfair competition” (IP Seminar “The role of intellectual property in doing business today”, Vladivostok, September 2016)
- “Consideration of disputes arising from IP transactions” (14th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2016)
- “Customs and parallel import. Russian practice” (seminar JETRO, Moscow, December 2014)
- “Risks and hidden pitfalls in deals on regulation of exclusive trademark rights” (12th annual seminar “IP strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2014)
- “Peculiarities of patent/trademark disputes resolution and claiming damages” (seminar “IP strategies for successful company development”, Ekaterinburg/Perm, April 2013)
- Representation of a well-known UK supplier of compressors, air ducts and vacuum pumps and a popular Japanese manufacturer of air conditioners and climate control equipment in trademark cancellation cases for non-use.
- Representation of a well-known toy manufacturer in domain disputes, against cybersquatting and use of a trademark in a domain name.
- Representation of a fuel and lubricants manufacturer in a dispute over protection of the exclusive right to an invention.
- Represented an Israeli company in the case of a trademark assignment against the former distributor, who illegally registered it in his name; judgment was issued in favour of the presented company.
- Represented a number of large Korean, Japanese and European companies in cases against parallel importers.