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Valery Narezhny

Valery Narezhny
Legal Department
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  • Financial college (Vladikavkaz) (1992–1994)
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (1994–2004)
  • Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law (2000–2003)


  • PRAVO-300


  • Taxation policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (1998–2000)
  • Finance Department of the Russian Government office (2001)
  • Avakov, Tarasov and Partners (2001–2004)
  • Levant and Partners (2004–2008)
  • Kamenskaya and Partners (2008–2010)
  • Incor Alliance Law Office (2010–2013)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2014


  • The external lecturer of “Institute of modern education technologies” since 2014


  • Russian
  • English
  • German
  • Tax law and due diligence
  • Customs law
  • Arbitration and civil procedural law
  • M&A transaction support
  • Labor law
  • Corporate and commercial law
  • Data privacy and protection in international and russian companies


  • “Confidential Information and Personal Data in the System of Legal Protection of an Energy Company” (National Research University Higher School of Economics Webinar “Confidential information and personal data in the legal protection system of an energy company”, Moscow, October 2024)
  • “Benefits for IT-companies” (Meetup “IT Industry and Legal Regulation in Russia”, Kazan, September 2024)
  • “Server Access: Cross-Border Data Transfer. Unanswered questions: assessment, notifications, operators” (Pravo.ru conference “Information and personal data protection – 2024”, Moscow, September 2024)
  • “Legal, procedural and tax bases of formation of successful strategy of protection of scientific and technical developments” (Scientific and Practical Conference “Strategy of Intellectual Property Development in the Russian Federation”, Cheboksary, September 2024)
  • “Legal, procedural and tax bases of formation of successful strategy of protection of scientific and technical developments” (Seminar “Protection of new developments in Russia and abroad. Trends and realities”, N.Novgorod, September 2024)
  • “Tax aspects of intellectual property use”, “Fight against unfair competition in the field of IP turnover”, “The specifics of pledging exclusive rights in this area” (Business Education.ru Seminar “IP rights: enforcement of the rules from Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, August 2024)
  • “Personal data: compliance and protection” (Educational program for Joint Stock Company “All-Russian Scientific-Research and Design Technological Institute of Rolling Stock”, Moscow, July 2024)
  • “Novelties in the legislation on personal data, the role of the responsible for their processing, as well as on the organization of compliance and audit in the field of personal data protection” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs seminar “Personal data: new legislative requirements and how to comply with them”, Moscow, July 2024)
  • “Personal Data: Innovations in 2024”, “Confidential records keeping at the organization: legal regulation and practice of ensuring” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs seminar “Digital Law: New Regulation, Practical Issues”, Moscow, April 2024)
  • “Violations in the Field of Personal Data: Top 5 Peculiarities of Bringing to Administrative Responsibility” (ITSEC 2024 Forum, Сonference “Personal Data in 2024: Regulation, Practice, Trends”, Moscow, April 2024)
  • “Tax Aspects of IP Deals. New benefits for computer program and data bases creators”, “Protection from unfair competition in the sphere of IP objects turnover: practical aspects” (Business Education.ru Seminar “IP Rights: Practice of Application of the norms of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, February 2024)
  • “Personal Data: New Requirements and Problems of Protection in the Conditions of Digital Technologies” (Advanced Training Course for Lawyers “Personal Data: New Requirements and Problems of Protection in the Conditions of Digital Technologies”, Moscow, January 2024)
  • “Peculiarities of legal audit of successful startups” (21th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, September 2023)
  • “Tax and Antimonopoly Aspects of IP Deals” (Training Center "Delovoe obrazovanie.ru" Webinar “IP Rights: practice of applying of the 4th part of the Russian Civil Code”, Moscow, June 2023)
  • “Personal Data: New Compliance Rules” (Webinar “Personal Data: New Compliance Rules”, Moscow, June 2023)
  • “Personal data: compliance and protection” (Educational program for Joint Stock Company “All-Russian Scientific-Research and Design Technological Institute of Rolling Stock”, Moscow, December 2022)
  • “Processing of personal data of customers and employees” (Russian Foundation for Educational Programs seminar “Personal data: practice of meeting new legal requirements in 2022, responsibility for violations”, Moscow, November 2022)
  • “Ways to regulate corporate work with personal data: new legal requirements, liability for non-compliance, claims of Roskomnadzor” (Seminar by “Fincont” training center., Moscow, September 2022)
  • “Tax measures to support the IT industry” (20th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, June 2022)
  • “Topical issues of legal protection of computer programs and the disposal of rights to them” (Forum “Intellectual Property - XXI Century”, Moscow, April 2021)
  • “Business development according to the franchising model” (Seminar “How companies develop in crisis”, Moscow, April 2021)
  • “The practice of protection against unfair competition on the Internet” (XII IP FORUM. Russia & CIS, Moscow, April 2021)
  • “IP Management Issues” (LES Russia webinar “IP Assets Management in the Current Conditions”, Moscow, March 2021)
  • “Comprehensive approach to the legal protection of hardware and software solutions” (EAPO online training “Features of examination of inventions implemented using a computer, including inventions in the field of artificial intelligence”, Moscow, March 2021)
  • “Intellectual property” (Business-class “Intellectual property”, Moscow, December 2020)
  • “Tax maneuver in the IT industry: who wins and who loses?” (Webinar “Tax maneuver in the IT industry: who wins and who loses?”, Moscow, December 2020)
  • “Intellectual property as an element of business control” (18th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, October 2020)
  • “Venture Capital and Intellectual Property” (XXI IP Forum, Moscow, October 2020)
  • “The Law on Termination of Lease Agreements without Fines: Comments of Both Sides of the Lease Market” (Pravo.ru conference “Post-COVID-19: new legal reality”, Moscow, July 2020)
  • “Law on early termination of the lease: who will win and who will lose?” (Gorodissky webinar “Law on early termination of the lease: who will win and who will lose?”, Moscow, June 2020)
  • “Force Majeure and Contractual Relations in Franchising” (Gorodissky & RFA Webinar “Force Majeure and Contractual Relations in Franchising”, Moscow, April 2020)
  • “Tax measures for anti-crisis support of business” (Webinar “Tax measures for anti-crisis support of business” by ANO Mosprom, Moscow, April 2020)
  • “Is it Force Majeure?” (Webinar “Is it Force Majeure?” by ANO Mosprom, Moscow, April 2020)
  • “Franchising: Tax and Antitrust Aspects” (Forum “Franchising. Regions: Ural-2019”, Ekaterinburg, November 2019)
  • “Tax aspects of IP deals. Current trends in IP taxation (including R&D)”, “Fighting against unfair competition in IP area: practical aspects” (Seminar “Intellectual property: legal protection, turnover, security in 2020”, Moscow, November 2019)
  • “Peculiarities of IP subject-matter taxation” (Council of the Guild of Trade and Service Enterprises of the MCCI, Moscow, July 2019)
  • “The tax aspects of IP transactions. New in IP taxation (including R&D)”, “Unfair competition rights in the sphere of IP objects turnover: practical aspects” (Seminar “Intellectual Property Subjects: Legal Protection and Turnover”, Moscow, June 2019)
  • “Tax benefits and features of taxation in the field of IP” (Seminar “IP importance in doing business”, Krasnodar, March 2019)
  • “Franchising and antitrust aspects” (International Exhibition “Franchise Festival 2019”, Moscow, March 2019)
  • “Tax benefits and features of taxation in the field of IP” (Seminar “ IP importance in doing business”, Ufa, February 2019)
  • “Licensing of IP along with creating joint ventures” (LES Russia seminar “Licensing as an effective business development tool”, Moscow, December 2018)
  • “The actual income recipient: problem of definition, prospect of development”, “Significant tax disputes 2018” (XIV Russian National Tax Forum, Moscow, October 2018)
  • “Tax Aspects of IP Transactions”, “Protection from Unfair Competition in IP Transactions” (Seminar “Intellectual Property Subjects: Legal Protection and Turnover”, Moscow, October 2018)
  • “Issues of e-commerce subjects taxation” (Seminar “Actual Issues of Doing Business on the Internet”, Moscow, October 2018)
  • “Benefits and Features of Taxation in IP” (Business breakfast “Intellectual property and related issues”, Moscow, October 2018)
  • “Taxation of intangible assets” (Seminar “Intellectual Property in the Activity of Companies”, Ekaterinburg, April 2018)
  • “Return of Illegally Granted Exclusive rights to Official Intellectual Activity Results: Theory and Practice” (16th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2018)
  • “Taxation aspects of operations with IP subject matters” (Seminar “Protection and capitalization of IP. Certification and localization of export products”, Moscow, December 2017
  • “Tax optimization. Getting tax relief” (Seminar “Tax results of the year”, Moscow, December 2017
  • “Tax concession for innovative companies” (Online Tax Marathon, Moscow, November 2017
  • “Litigation over debtor’s transactions made to the detriment of the creditor” (Seminar “Bankruptcy of legal bodies and individuals”, Moscow, September 2017
  • “Legal and economic aspects of IP transactions” (4th IP seminar Gorodissky IP School, Dubna, May 2017)
  • “Tax arrears recovery from the debtor`s interdependent and affiliated persons” (Seminar “Recovery of damages from the management of a legal body, controllers”, MCCI, Moscow, February 2017)
  • “Tax issues of IP use in business” (Seminar “IP Economic aspects” at the Novosibirsk Region Science Festival 2016 “Science: Images of Future”, Novosibirsk, September 2016)
  • “Tax issues of IP use in a corporate business” (14th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2016)
  • “Topical issues of small businesses’ legal protection”(the Chamber of Commerce roundtable “Changes in legislation related to small and medium-sized businesses: monitoring results for 1–3 quarters of 2015”, Moscow, November 2015)
  • “Intangible assets taxing” (IP seminar “Topic issues of intangible assets accounting and taxing”, Ekaterinburg, October 2015)
  • “Tax treatment of IP assets” (seminar “Rights for IP activity results: turnover and protection”, Moscow, September 2015)
  • “Complicated and disputable situations related to intangible assets amortization and capital investments to the leasehold property” (practicum “Profits tax: the way to minimize risks”, Moscow, July 2015)
  • “Tax and customs issues of IP use: current trends” (13th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for the Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2015)
  • “New trends in the use of IP for the purposes of tax planning” (conference “Tax planning and protection of innovations in IP sphere”, Moscow, Russia, April 2012)
  • “Perspectives of increase of the tax burden on individuals in connection with the property tax imposition” (interview to the channel “Expert-TV”, Moscow, Russia, November 2011)
  • “International tax planning for corporations” (international seminar “European holdings”, Moscow, Russia, February 2011)
  • “How changes Changes to the Federal Law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) affect the business climate” (interview to the channel “Expert-TV”,Moscow, Russia, June 2010)
  • “The right to suspend the tax arrears collecting process during litigation” (VII International science and practical conference “Tax law in the rulings of Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in 2009”, Moscow, Russia, April 2010)
  • “Perspectives of using offshore jurisdictions by Russian business” (interview to the Russian channel RBK-TV, Moscow, Russia, December 2009)
  • “IP as a tool for tax optimization” (seminar “Record of rights for the results of science and technical activity and capitalization of IP objects, defining patent and license strategies of the company”, Obninsk, Russia, November 2009)
  • “The form, not the content is the taxman’s priority” (interview “Pravo.ru”, Moscow, Russia, October 2009)
  • “Perspectives of progressive taxation of personal income in Russia” (“Expert-TV” channel, Moscow, Russia, September 2009)
  • “Fighting against offshore money flows — populist governments policies” (interview for “Slon.ru”, Moscow, Russia, August 2009)
  • “IP as a tax optimization tool” (“Rosnano” seminar, Moscow, Russia, July 2008)
  • “Taxation of foreign investments in the Russian economy” (conference of the Association of European business “Comparison of EU and Russian Regulations on Investments into Strategic Sectors of the Economy”, Moscow, Russia, February 2008)
  • Supporting a package of partnership, franchise and investment agreements between a number of Russian private persons and a Dutch commercial real estate company on a large shopping center development.
  • Winning a number of commercial disputes on returning the investor’s share rights in one of the largest shopping and entertainment centers and recovery of unjustifiable enrichment in favor of the investor.
  • Advising more than a hundred Russian and foreign companies on tax law issues.
  • Land-tax overpayment recovery for a number of Russian defense companies totaling more than 680 mln rubles.
  • Forming a corporate structure of a large holding specializing in real estate management in 14 subjects of the Russian Federation
  • Represented a large Russian distributor of alcoholic beverages in a dispute concerning protection of business reputation. By the amount of claimed compensation (over 700 mln. rubles), this dispute became one of the biggest in the history of this category of claims. As a result of the dispute the court completely rejected the claims against the client.
  • Representation of client's interests in the series of disputes on debt collection over 500,000,000 rubles under patent license agreements.
  • Advising a leading investment and telecommunications company, one of the world's largest companies from Fortune Global 500, on software licensing and transfer of know-how rights for a deal of RUB 500,000,000.
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