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Evgeny Alexandrov

Evgeny Alexandrov
Senior Partner Trademark & Design Attorney Ph.D.
Head of Legal, Trademark & Design Practice
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  • Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (1998-2005)


  • “Patent attorney” company (2002–2005)
  • Gorodissky and Partners since 2005


  • INTA
  • LES International
  • PTMG
  • Chamber of patent attorneys


  • President of LES Russia since 2023
  • Member of INTA Internet Committee since 2015
  • Member of AIPLA International and Foreign Law Committee since 2015
  • Specialist in the Field of IP Disputes at Russian Arbitration Center since 2018


  • IAM Patent 1000
  • The Best Lawyers©
  • Legal 500 (2015-2016)
  • Leaders League
  • WTR-1000
  • MIP IP Stars
  • PRAVO-300
  • Kommersant
  • RG.RU


  • Russian
  • English
  • Patent law
  • Trademarks
  • Copyright and neighbouring rights
  • Software protection
  • Deals with IP subjects matters
  • Legal representation and dispute resolution
  • Advertising and unfair competition
  • Anti-counterfeiting


  • INTA
  • LES International
  • PTMG
  • Chamber of patent attorneys


  • IAM Patent 1000
  • The Best Lawyers©
  • Legal 500 (2015-2016)
  • Leaders League
  • WTR-1000
  • PRAVO-300
  • Kommersant
  • RG.RU


  • “Emerging Markets of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): Licensing and Franchising” (International Conference “Transformation of the Eurasian Patent System. Assessment and Prospects”, Minsk, June 2024)
  • “Impact of International Sanctions and Counter-Sanctions on Global Trade” (Gorodissky seminar “Eurasia: New IP Horizons”, Dubai, October 2023)
  • “Legal basis for commercial concession (franchise)” (Business meetings on IP protection issues, Vladivostok, Ussuriysk and Khabarovsk, November 2022)
  • “Intellectual property in bakery” (Russian Bakers Forum, Moscow, October 2022)
  • “Disposal of Exclusive Rights to Eurasian Industrial Design” (Gorodissky seminar “Eurasian Design Protection System: Time to Start”, Moscow, May 2021)
  • “How to build up an efficient brand protection and anti-counterfeiting strategy for the Eurasian Economic Union?” (Gorodissky seminar “Expansion of IP Horizons in Eurasia”, Moscow, April 2021)
  • “Practice of courts consideration of patent disputes” (18th Gorodissky annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, October 2020)
  • “Systematization of the main trends in the field of intellectual property: legal aspects” (XXI IP Forum, Moscow, October 2020)
  • “Anti-counterfeiting strategies in Russia: fighting online threats” (World IP Review webinar “Anti-counterfeiting strategies in Russia: fighting online threats”, June 2020)
  • “Fighting IP rights infringements on the Internet” (Seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2019)
  • “Counterfeit detection on-line” (MIP Global IP & Innovation Summit, Shanghai, June 2019)
  • “Detection and removal of IP rights infringements on the Internet using cutting-edge IT technologies” (The ХХ IP Forum. Russia & CIS, Moscow, March 2019)
  • “On-line and Off-line monitoring and IP enforcement strategies within the Eurasian Economic Union” (IP Service World 2018, Munich, November 2018)
  • “Monitoring and eliminating trademark infringement on the Internet” (Seminar “IP Protection in China”, Vladivostok, October 2018)
  • “Patent Disputes in Pharmacy” (1st International Conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights”, St. Petersburg, April 2018)
  • “Brand as an IP subject matter and ways of its protection“ (Far East Media Summit, Vladivostok, June 2017)
  • “Anti-counterfeiting measures, customs control & parallel import in Russia and in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union“ (“IP in Fashion” Seminar, Milano, November 2016)
  • “Analysis of the major changes in IP law” (Conference “Civil code: restart. Transition from the public to the private”, Moscow, September 2016)
  • “Google tax revolutionises tax regime for digital content sales” (International Law Office (ILO), July 2016)
  • “Choosing a patent dispute strategy (plaintiff and defendant positions)”; “3D printing and future of IP rights” (14th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2016)
  • “Litigation: What to do if you are accused of IP rights infringement, and what to do in case of your IP rights infringement” (Moscow, 2014)
  • “Strategies of managing and protection of trademark rights” (Moscow, 2014)
  • “Patent litigation aspects” (Basel, Switzerland, 2014)
  • “Internet commerce and intellectual property. Suppression of the false advertising expansion in the Internet” (12th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2014)
  • “IP litigation aspects” (Neuchatel, Switzerland, April, 2014)
  • “Copyright enforcement customs” (Geneva, Switzerland, 2014)
  • “Enforcement of IP rights in Russia and licensing issues in view of the latest amendments” (Zurich, Switzerland, 2014)
  • “Enforcement of IP rights in Russia. Licensing issues” (Brussels, Belgium, 2014)
  • “IP rights enforcement. Bad time for infringers” (9th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, St. Petersburg, 2013)
  • “Aspects of patent disputes resolution and collecting damage” (“Peculiarities of IP subject matters protection in Russia and abroad”, Nizhny Novgorod, September 2013)
  • “Practical issues of trademark rights reservation in case of reorganization or insolvency processes” (international seminar “The Fate of Licenses in Case of Insolvency”, LES, Moscow, June 2013)
  • “Legal issues on protection and enforcement of IP rights in Russia” (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013)
  • “Legal issues on protection and enforcement of IP rights in Russia” (4th webinar “Legal issues on protection and enforcement of biopharmaceutical patent rights in Russia”, Moscow, June 2013
  • “International aspects of IP protection in Russia” (10th annual conference “Intellectual property: from reliable protection to effective managing”, Ekaterinburg, November 2012)
  • “Notable IP battles of 2011–2012 in the Russian courts” (8th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, August 2012)
  • “Recent Changes in the non-use cancellation system in Russia” (webinar “Trademark use & non-use: recent developments of the Russian legislation”, April 2012)
  • “The role of a legal precedent in IP rights protection disputes” (10th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2012)
  • “IP rights infringement dispute resolution practice infringement and the tendency of its development” (XI training conference “Intellectual Property — Patents, licenses and innovations legal protection”, Moscow, June 2011)
  • “Patent litigation and trends and developments in the patent legislation in Russia” (International IP forum “Managing Intellectual Property”, Beijing, China, June 2011)
  • “Pirates of the XXI century. The Russian, US and European combatting experience against internet piracy” (9th annual seminar “IP protection strategies for successful company development”, Moscow, April 2011)
  • “IP dispute resolution practice in Russia and the tendency of its development” (seminar of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Moscow, February 2011)
  • “Effective enforcement of Copyright and TM rights on the Internet in Russia” (5th seminar on the topical issues of IP protection in Russia, Beijing, China, September 2010)
  • “Case study. Classical utility model patent infringement is turned out to be a non-classical patent racketeering” (7th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, August 2010)
  • “IP rights infringement and possible ways of struggle” (15th international scientific and industrial forum “Russia united — 2010”, Nizhny Novgorod, 2010)
  • “Effective enforcement of Copyright and TM rights on the Internet in Russia” (6th annual seminar on the Russian legislation in the sphere of intellectual property, Tokyo, Japan, June 2010)
  • “Japanese shock absorbers and Russian utility models (opposition lessons)” (8th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, April 2010)
  • “Dispute Resolution in the collision of rights to various means of individualization” (seminar “Topic Issues of the legal protection of means of individualization”, Ekaterinburg, Perm, April 2010)
  • “Legal aspects of transfer of technologies in Russia” (seminar “Investments to Russia. Peculiarities of the Russian IP legislation”, Toronto, Canada, October 2009)
  • “Patent Goblins nightmarize business in Russia” (6th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, Moscow, September 2009)
  • “Trademark rights protection in Russia” (Moscow, 2009)
  • “Patent trolls in Russia: myth or reality?” (7th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, April 2009)
  • “Crime and Punishment” — responsibility for the exclusive rights infringement” (VI annual international conference “Intellectual property: from reliable protection to effective management”, Ekaterinburg, November 2008)
  • “Administrative and Criminal measures against the IPR infringers. Advantages and disadvantages” (5th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, St. Petersburg, August 2008)
  • “Administrative remedies against the IP infringements in Russia and Ukraine” (4th annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia and Ukraine”, Kiev, Ukraine, August 2007)
  • “Administrative suppression of IP rights violations” (5th annual seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Successful Company Development”, Moscow, April 2007)
  • “Litigation in the Russian Courts” (3rd annual seminar “Obtaining and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Russia”, St. Petersburg, August 2006)
  • “Managing of IP rights- licensing, assignment, franchise” (4th seminar “IP Protection Strategies for Company Successful Development”, Moscow, April 2006)
  • Represented a large American company in a case of a trademark protection against former distributor, who illegally registered a world-famous trademark in his name; as a result, the illegal registration was cancelled and the trademark was registered in the name of the real right holder.
  • Represented a large American company in a case of a trademark protection against counterfeit construction materials; as a result, the counterfeit products were arrested by the police, destroyed and the illegal production was stopped; this case was covered in mass media.
  • Represented several largest foreign companies from Europe, USA and Japan in cases against parallel importers.
  • Represented clients in cases of trademark infringement against illegal use on the Internet, including domain names.
  • Represented a large Russian brandy producer in more than 120 disputes (in one year) against a trademark owner in cases of alleged infringement of trademark rights; as a result, all claims of the trademark owner were rejected by court.
  • Represented a large American supplier of automotive components in a case against a vendor of counterfeit parts; as a result, counterfeit products were arrested by the police and destroyed.
  • Represented a large pharmaceutic company in a case against the generic products’ producer.
  • Represented a Russian pharmaceutic company in a Eurasian patent infringement case against the manufacturer of similar products from the Republic of Belarus.
  • Represented a large Japanese producer of shock-absorbers for vehicles against a patent troll, who claimed to pay him 32 million dollars for his IP rights infringement; as a result, his 10 patents were cancelled and the cases on IP rights infringement, initiated by police, were dismissed.
  • Represented interests of a large Korean electronics company in the case against a patent troll, claiming to pay him 10 million dollars for his IP rights infringement; as a result all his demands were rejected by the court.
  • Legal representation of a large American toys manufacturer in a case of the toy’s design copyright protection; as a result, counterfeit products were arrested by the police and destroyed.
  • Represented a large German auto manufacturer in a case against rights infringement for a photo from the official catalogue — the photo had been illegally placed on the sunglasses package, imported in Russia.
  • Represented a large Russian distributor of alcoholic beverages in a dispute concerning protection of business reputation. By the amount of claimed compensation (over 700 mln. rubles), this dispute became one of the biggest in the history of this category of claims. As a result of the dispute the court completely rejected the claims against the client.
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