Russian Patent Attorney
Eurasian Patent Attorney
Chemical & Life Sciences Department
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- Russian State Agrarian University (1993–1998)
- Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (2001–2003)
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- Federal Institute of Industrial Property (2003–2007)
- UK patent office (Newport) (2004)
- Patent & Law Firm “YUS” (2007–2012)
- Gorodissky and Partners since 2012
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- Patents in the field of:
- Production of food and beverages
- Production of bio-fuels
- Pulp, paper and paperboard production
- Chemical pesticides and related agro-chemical products
- Production of pharmaceutical preparations and related materials
- Production of drugs
- Detergents, cleaning and polishing products
- Production of perfumes and cosmetics
- Technical fields:
- Biotechnology
- Genetic engineering
- Molecular and cellular biology
- Cytology
- Microbiology
- Virology
- Immunology
- Biochemistry
- Objects:
- Food
- Agrochemicals
- Preparations and products for industrial and domestic use
- Drugs, including veterinary drugs
- Diagnostics products
- Methods of their production and use
- Methods and techniques for producing recombinant RNA and DNA, genes isolation from an organism (cells), gene manipulation
- Cells, stem cells, microorganism strains
- Vaccines, methods for their preparation and use
- Methods of treatment, prophylaxis and diagnosis
- Products of genetic engineering, in particular, genes and proteins, transgenic cells, plants and animals
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- Consulting an innovational Russian company working in the sphere of agricultural biotechnology on obtaining patent protection in Russia and abroad.
- Consulting a leading foreign company working in the sphere of plant biotechnology on obtaining patent protection in Russia.
- Patent research of engineering level and development trends of a large Russian microbiology company.
- Consulting an innovational Russian GMO company concerning the patent clearance of the technology under development.
- Representation of a large Russian fertilizer manufacturer at the chamber of patent disputes.